Cassandra’s footprints

BY FRIDA & rabsilber


The entitled evening « Cassandra’s footprints » will be presenting two solos: « Cordelia: A daughter’s leap » and « Spinning Wheel » respectively created by Antigone Frida and Effi Rabsilber, two actresses with whom Ioannis Mandafounis works closely. Both of them invite us to discover their inspirations from the famous tragedy of Cassandre.

Applying Ioannis Mandafounis's improvisation and movement creation methodology to the dramaturgy, the two actresses are merging dance and texts to throw themselves into a wild mix of emotions: loneliness, fragility and loss of control.
That makes them the embodiment of a modern Cassandre: what will be their prophecy ?

”Cordelia: a daughter’s leap” by Antigone Frida
Cordelia, the main character of Kierkegaard’s book “Diary of a Seducer”, drifts in and indulges in a celebration of the fall or the rupture. Every sacrifice includes a celebration and there is no celebration without a sacrifice. Everything that is being seduced is getting sacrificed on the name of self-knowledge and therefore is celebrated as an opening to infinite possibilities. 
The more wild life is awakening, the more violently is diverged from innocence. Violence and sacred are engaged in a race - leap into adulthood. 

“Spinning wheel” by Effi Rabsilber
A woman in her working space, sits patiently, noticing the crowd passing by. When something unexpected enters the room her body and mind set off on a journey. A voice talks to her. She moves through an unknown space as if she has to solve a riddle. As the wheel starts spinning, reality and imagination begin to intertwine. Snatches of conversations drift by. A hidden image is waiting to be redeemed. "I have been here before", seems to be the phrase that haunts her mind. Another link in the continuum of existence.


Creation 2020


Argument, methodology’s concept
 Ioannis Mandafounis
Conceived, staged and performed by Antigone Frida
Music, interpretation Kostas Gardikid
Costume Aggelos Mentis
Dramaturgy Theodora Kapralou
Text Soren Kierkegaard
Lights David Kretonic
Production management Mélanie Fréguin


Argument, methodology’s concept
 Ioannis Mandafounis
Conceived, staged and performed by Effi Rabsilber
Artistic assistance Marita Tzatzadaki
Text, music and sound Effi Rabsilber, F. Schubert
Sound assistance Coti K.
Light design Giorgos Carvels
Technical direction David Kretonic
Production management Mélanie Fréguin

Production Cie Ioannis Mandafounis
Supported by City of Geneva, State of Geneva, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Onassis Cultural Center, Lottery romande

Cassandra’s footprints
12 shows, 2 theaters, 2 cities, 2 countries

29 January-1 February 2020,Théâtre de l’Etincelle (Premiere), Geneva, Switzerland
4-7 June 2020, Piramatiki Skini of the Ethniko Theatro, Athens, Greece
10-14 June 2020, Piramatiki Skini of the Ethniko Theatro, Athens, Greece